Reign of the Jokerr

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Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Kerr Says

This is Kerr updating the jester's blog. School for him starts tomorrow. That must suck. I plan on getting my...why am I talking about me? So anyway, school for him is tomorrow.

Friday, August 19, 2005

1 Week down a lot more to go...

The first week of football practice is done. Thursday and Friday we had pads on and got to hit people. That's so much fun. I have bruises all over my arms, but they don't hurt. We have shorter practices from now on. Instead of 4 1/2 hours, we have 2 hours. It will be nice to have them later in the day. Instead of 7:30 AM it's 3 PM. Getting more rest will be great.
Today was picture and dinner night. The picture taking process was very slow. I had to wait through JV and Varsity before I got my picture taken. It took over an hour and a half before I got my picture taken. The dinner was ok. Everyone brought a salad or hotdish. I ate too much, though.

But football is only one part of my week. On thursday I went to a chicken feed at our local Rod & Gun. That wasn't quite worth the time. It started at 5:30 PM and we got there at 6 PM. We ended up getting # 340. When we arrived they were calling #'s 125 and below. They went by increments of 30. We didn't eat until after 8. The food was good but I wouldn't do it again.

Here are some other random things I did this week. I mowed my lawn, ate a couple sandwiches, looked into the mirror and flexed- At the end of each practice we lift weights. A different routine everyday. They include bench press, squat, clean, arm curls, leg curls, leg extensions, inclined press, dead-lift, and leg press. If anyone is interested I could tell them the weight, rep, and set counts I do for all these lifts. Anyways while I was flexing in the mirror I noticed that my biceps had increased in size quite a bit. I was so excited that I ran downstairs and showed Josh. He didn't share in my excitment. But it was pretty cool, and that's only after one week of practice. Now continuing with random stuff- I ate apples out of our apple tree, ate waaay too much candy, and got really cold watching hockey.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

I'm sore.

Football practice started on Monday. Practices go from 7:30 AM to 12 PM. On Thursday we finally get to put pads on and hit people. Now we're just running a lot and lifting weights. It's pretty tough, there were a few times when I thought I was going to throw up. We do a conditioner drill where we sprint around the entire football field. It's 53 1/3 yards (160 feet) across the field and 100 yards (300 ft) down the field. We get 30 second breaks after each time around the field. After doing that 3 times you're pretty winded. We do another drill where the Offensive linemen and the Defensive lineman line up on one sideline and the running backs, receivers, and D-Ends line up on the other. I'm a receiver. The concept is to sprint to the other side and back as fast as you can. The Linemen go first and whatever time they get we have to beat by 6 seconds. They usually get around 22-23 seconds. If we don't get below the 16-17 seconds we have to do an extra one. We do it at least 3 times but we had to do an extra one so we had 4. When we're done with those we get a 10 minute break, afterwhich we do some minor conditioning drills and then go lift weights for 45 minutes. It's a tough regimen.
After football the day goes by pretty quickly. I get home and eat lunch, I might take a short nap, wake up, clean for a little bit, read the bible, and then it's time for supper. I've been getting to bed later then I should be. Usually around 10:30. I should be in bed by 9 so I'll be more rested.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


Joe, this is your blog. Click on the top right where it says to get your own blog, or whatever, and then sign in. Then, at the dashboard, click on settings. There, you can go to settings and edit your profile, the blog description, and all that good stuff. Now, to get our google ads on the right track...
NHL dwayne roloson goalie got traded by ESPN sports to other ice hockey team Detroit Red Wings. Josh Kerr is a goalie that like Star Wars, video games, and Darth Vader. Other good sports are football, basketball, and tennis. Andy Roddick and Roger Federer are decent racket wielders.