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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

New Exciting Post!!!

Well, not quite that exciting but a new post nonetheless. July 4th was cool. I went to the Lee's house, where I swam, played ping pong, and gamed until the morning hours. Oh yeah, I also lit off quite a few fireworks. The most memorable of which was a thing of 1000 firecrackers. It was a minute of deafening explosions and cool smoke rings.

This weekend was the church campout. I have to say that I expected more. We drove 300+ miles to a campground that wasn't much different than one 15 miles away. I had hoped that we would be in some random spot in the forest, surrounded by wild beasts and such, not RV's. But the fellowship was good and the crayfish (crawfish, crawdads) were plentiful. On the way home we stopped by in Duluth and saw an airshow. It was intense. Those planes have such maneuverability and speed. I definitely want to see it again next year.

Baseball is over for me. Not for the team but I'm going to miss the rest of the season due to camp. Which in association with many other people being gone puts the team in dire straits. You see, no one on our team knew about the playoffs. I, along with many others, looked at the schedule at the beginning of the year and saw our last game as July 6th. So, we made our plans for vacations and such. Then last week our coach mentioned that the playoffs started July 20th. Well to sum it up, there were 14 people on the team to begin with, 7 will be gone. Hmmm, that doesn't equal 9. Silly coach.


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